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Studio Michael Müller

Alien Athena Foundation for Art

The non-profit foundation, established by Michael Müller and co-founder of Kunstsaele Geraldine Michalke, brings together a diverse group of participants from the art world.

While the foundation will support the production of new works that build on Michael Müller’s work and interact with each other the foundation’s purpose goes beyond this. It seeks to foster experiences through Art creation and reception outside the constraints of the art market. Ultimately, the foundation sees Art as an invitation to a journey of collaborative exchanges between different disciplines including science, philosophy, sociology and history, various media, different cultures, practices and modes of thinking.

Alien Athena Foundation for Art’s mission will be accomplished by hosting exhibitions under the label Kunstsaele, issuing publications and awarding a biannual performance price accompanied by a mentoring program thereby connecting people who share this vision.

Please visit the website of the Alien Athena Foundation for Art for more information.